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Hey you know right????

Today TOP has been discharged and I feel SO SO SO SO SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


I thought that he was going to be discharged overmorrow but yeyyy, D-day is today!
From the morning, the hashtag #longtimenoseetop has been trending on Twitter and I couldn't get my finger off from scrolling the socmed. Huwaaaaaa, I was being fed a lot today.

In the morning there were photos and videos of TOP going to his last day of work at Yongsan Craft and woww he looked gorgeous, like a model! Well he is a model. Hahahhha. Seeing him so healthy made me happy and ahhh it has been a long time since I saw that face. That pure face.

Then all day the media had been waiting in front of the craft centre, and they waited for him to finish his work until 7pm KST. They even drew a green box on the floor, and put microphones, for him to stand there and make an official announcement in front of the media. And you know what happened? Hahahahhahahahahhaha He ditched them and left from the back door!!! LOL, My savage Tabi. Hey you must be bitter right KMedia? Kuikuii

But then, my TOP had actually prepared a secret mini fan meeting with VIPs. He prepared it especially for VIPs, and hidden from the media. Yeahh that's what the media got for badmouthing him before. Huuuuuuu he was very considerate! He just wanted to spend time with his beloved fans who support him through ticks and thins. Who stays with him. As he arrived at the mini fan meeting, he bowed 90 degrees and greet the fans individually. He shook their hands and bowed to them! Waaaaa what a kind gentleman! He smiled at them, his face was happy in front of VIPs.Even though he was sweating a lot, he kept smiling and maintain his expression. And yes he is as handsome as ever. When I saw his face, I feel so happy and content. You know like everything doesn't matter and I only need him. I don't need a boyfriend nor a crush nor a husband anymore. I just need TOP. Yeahhhhh

Credit to the owner

He is the first one who made this special event after being discharged. He is so thoughtful. This is one of the happiest days of my life. Although I just see you on the screen, I feel like I was there with you and you smile at me. My heart bursts with love for you. I really hope his life will be showered with love and happiness after this. I will respect whatever decision he makes for his career and life, as long as he is happy. TOP,  your magical queens have received you on this flower road nicely. Please live healthily and happily from now on! I LOVE YOU !!!!!

Your loyal queen,


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