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P.S. I Still Love You #2


So tonight I wanna tell bout the sequel to To All The Boys I've Loved Before.


So I think this book contains three main things; the hot tub video, Belleview nursery and John Ambrosse Mcclaren.

So bout the hot tub video, did I tell you? It was between Lara Jean and Peter when they went to the ski place. So the video was viral across social media and it had ashamed Lara Jean. But well, my darling Peter controlled it well. He stood up for Lara Jean and scolded everyone else. And it turned out that Gen was the one who put the video on social media. Lara Jean knew it and told Peter about that, but he didn't believe her. Peter still befriended with Gen because well.. she was his first gal. He just couldn't leave her. And that's what made Lara Jean felt so insecure. Because of that, she always brings up about Gen whenever she was with Peter.

Meanwhile, John Ambrosse Mcclaren, one of the guys whom LJ wrote a letter to, had replied her letter. And they exchange letters and sending texts. LJ was somewhat excited to contact with John back. She said that she could love two boys in one time because she just loved both of them. Weird girl.🙄 If I have someone who's amazing like Peter, I could never see anyone else. Huh.

So LJ and John became closer and closer plus the fact that the nanny whom LJ was taking care of at Belleview, Stormy, was John's grandma. Peter knew about they were exchanging letters but he didn't know that they were that close.

And the story goes on as Peter and LJ always having conflicts. Peter being secretive about Gen and LJ was always bringing up Gen's name whenever they are together. Isn't it annoying when your girlfriend keeps mentioning your ex?🙄

So there was this tree house around their neighbourhood and that was where LJ, Gen, Chris, Peter, John and one other guy (i don't remember his name) were always playing together at. They were childhood friends and actually LJ was best friend with Gen. So they gathered all together in that tree house again to say goodbye to that treehouse as it will be taken down. Reminiscing their old memories, they decided to play the tagging game. LJ was determined to be the winner.
And she took this game seriously.

So at last, she got Peter's name and Peter got Gen's. Peter didn't really care about that game but LJ was serious bout it. And LJ  got to know that Peter actually knew about Gen's doing of putting their hot tub video. So she was enraged with Peter and at the same time, she quickly broke up with him and she tagged him out. Look how ridiculous this gal was. Urggghh. Then she went to John as he admitted that he loved her. And they kissed.🙄 See? She kissed every guy that she met. Arghh... I really don't like her. And she relaxedly admitted it to Peter. See how insensitive she was? Poor my Peter.😢😢😢😢 She broke his heart again and again.

Finally, LJ got to follow Gen to tag her out. She really took the game seriously. But when she followed her, LJ saw that Gen's father was having an affair with a girl in their age. She was shocked. That was when she knew why Peter always went to comfort Gen, why Peter was being secretive about Gen's problem. It was shameful. Gen saw that LJ was following her and she came to LJ and tagged herself out with LJ's hand. Nak sangat menang ann? Ambek mungg! Qeja pntingkan prasaan sendiri ja. Ciss.

After that, it was LJ's birthday. She was with John and he gave him a snow globe as a present. Suddenly Peter came and give her the necklace that he once gave it to her. Peter said, "You said you wont break my heart, but you break it anyway, Lara Jean" huuuuuuuuuu..Peterrr😢😢

So then LJ realised that she still loved Peter and rejected John. Baru nak sedar..ciss..dasar pompuan tamak.🙄 She also had her last words with Gen. Gen admitted that she really admired LJ back when they were bestfriend but she dissapointed that LJ didnt tell her about Peter kissing her. She saw LJ kissed Peter, the boy whom she always had a crush on. And that was when she concluded that LJ was actually a hypocrite as she didnt tell that important thing to her own bestfriend.

At last, Lara Jean realised about her own fault. How she didnt do the right thing as Gen's bestfriend, how she always mentioned Gen whenever she was with Peter, how she always felt insecure and blamed Peter all the time. So finally, they got back together. 🙄 Tengoklah betapa baiknya Peter sayee😢

The end.

Hohoho..go grab this book! There's a lot more parts in this story that I didnt mention it. Read it yourself😉


Always and forever,


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