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The Maze Runner (Book 1) - reviewww⭐⭐⭐

Heyyy chuollssss

Haha.. first of all, please breathe deep and long coz this entry is gonna be a damn long review, wirh me blabbering all those nonsense things. Hahahahah😆😆😆

So today I am going to review this fantastic novel as I just finished reading it..


Well..actually my sister had bought it since a long time ago and I just had the chance to read it cause I watched the Death Cure movie's trailer and it captured my interest. You know why?? Cause the actor who played Newt's role is so freaking handsome and young and cuteeeee! Weeeeeeee😆

Alright, lets go to our main point!

This story is about a group of guys who were sent to a weird place called Glade. Their memories were wiped away and they were surrounded by a huge Maze with a lot of threatening monsters - half machine half animal - Grievers. Thomas, the main character, was the second last guy who was sent there followed by an annoying and only girl, Teresa. 😑

So after they both came, everything had changed. From a normal life at the Glade to a disaster one. Thomas became the first one to survive a night in the freaking Maze with Grievers. And then other things started to change and so on. Two years with no escape had came to an end. They NEED to escape. But was the outer world much better than the Glade life? Check it out yourself! Hahaha😛

So I will just review bout the characters.

First of all, Thomas. He is...hmm..well.. a heroic type one? But he didnt seem to get on my attention cause I dont really like him. Yes ..he was brave and confident and whatsoever but something was wrong with him. Especially when that Teresa - the most annoying character - came. He became protective over her and just like believed on her when they first chatted. Whutt? Just like that? It was so easy manngg! I dont like it. I dont trust the gal from the first time her character came up. Hahahahahahahah

Second, Newt! Oh myyy oh myyy!!! I cant stand but to love his character. Awww😚😚😚. Newt is a kind and responsible guy. He was the second leader I bet. But he was just too awesome. Not like Thomas, okay?😌 Especially when I saw his actor in the movie, Thomas Brodie-sangster really suited this character. Hehehee. Ironically, he was Newt but in real life, he is Thomas? Hahahaaaa.. so nothing I can say about Newt but his awesomeness and coolness. I bet you will love him too. Ahh..and he was the only one who called Thomas, Tommy. Cute right??

Third, Minho. He is half-Asian right? I forgot about it. Haha.. but I also like him besides Newt. He was the Keeper of the Runners and had a fast movement, physically and mentally. What? Whatever🙄 He was smart and steady. Oh yeahh.. he and Newt were among the first ones to be sent to the Glade. Two years earlier from Thomas. So they were seniors to that greenie Thomas. Alrighttt

Next, Chuck, who was Thomas's bestfriend at the Glade. He always accompanied Thomas and helped him. He was a good little boy. It made Thomas's heart shrink as he thought why would a little boy could be involved in a cruel experiment too. So Thomas promised Chuck to get him out of the Glade. But eventually..😭😭😭😭😭 will know when you read it.

And so there were other characters like
Teresa the most damn girl
Alby the Leader
Gally the Anti-Thomas club member
Frypan the great cook
Winston the Keeper of the Bloodhouse
And others..


But FYI I imagined the faces of Thomas, Newt and Minho by the actors' faces in the movie. And the Glade, I had to watch the movie trailer first before I could imagine it.becoz I couldnt. Ahhaha.

Besides the character, this book also used some weird, alien words like shank, shuck, klunk. But actually shuck is f*** and klunk is sh*t. Hoho. Authors always change the F words like what John Green did; he wrote fug as F***. Well..

So sooo.. to put in a nutshell, I wanna give a loud applause to Mr. James Dashner for writing such a great adventurous story. Good job!

Btw, I have to continue reading three other books of The Maze Runner series. But one of them is missing though. Haha🙄

Anyways, have you read or watched this story? I think I have to watch the movie too. Hehe. And I will have a break for one day before continue reading the next book.

See ya soon. Hope you enjoy this entry.

Adioss! 😘😘😘😘


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