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The Twisted Fate : Chapter 12

   I rummage through the box to find the true answers. I scatter all the things and what I find is... a letter that written my name and glued with love sticker.
   My heart beats loudly, making a sound like dub lub dub. I take the letter hesitantly and open it.

Dear my dearest love,

    How are you? I know you are fine right because it is your birthday. Happy 17th Birthday!!! But... this day had brought me a lot of wounds that tears my heart. I figure out that you are Jonathan... right? I don't want to believe this but I have to because everything about you is just too similar to Jonathan. 12 years ago, you came to me with something like the time machine, right? Answer me, Jonathan! Or Joshua.. or whatever your name is.. answer me!! I have no idea what's going on in the past future, but I know you had changed my fate. And the worst is, you gave me hope and destroyed it after you went!

    Know what? Since you came into my life, I fell in a first-sight love with you. I am head over kneel with you. I dreamt of a marriage after you come back soon cause you said that I have to wait for you. But, after revealing the truth, these are all like building castle in the air. I am like an ostrich with its head in the sand knowing that you... are the boy who lives with me all this time. You, Joshua! I love you damn much, but.. you're my own brother and I can't love you more than that. I have to throw away all my feelings to you to a dark, deep ocean. But I still love you... more than thousand stars on the sky. It hurts me like hell.

    And I think these are my last words to you. I can't face you anymore. There's no use for me to stay alive. So, goodbye....

The one who loves you,
and the one who ought to be your sister,


  My eyes are raining heavily, heavier than the dark clouds ever do. Drops of tears falling to the letter. So.. I am... her murderer. I'm the one who killed her. I am... I changed the fate, hoping that my sister would live with me. But the fate turn back on me, and punished me with a dreadful punishment. What I did was just a rubbish! Marya.. she committed a suicide because of me. I'm the killer! I'm the murderer!

    This is all wrong! I must fix all this. It must be a good end. I run quickly to my room with trembling heart. It's now the time to use the Time Machine again! I set up all the data and determine to go to when I was celebrating my 17th birthday. To stop Marya from committing a suicide. I want to explain everything to her! But as I ready to go, I feel like someone grabs my arm. I turn back.

  "M..Marya??" I'm stuttered, shocked. It.. it is Marya!! She smiles a bit with tears on her eyes.

  "Don't. Don't ruin your life again, Joshua. No matter what you do, I will die, Accept that." Like a wind sound, her soft voice caught by my ears. It stabs my heart.

  "I love you, Joshua..." Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, she disappears. I'm puzzled and perplexed. Where? Where is my beloved sister??

  "Marya!! Marya!!" I called out her name but have no reply.

  "Marya!!!!!!!!!!" I shout out loud. I want her back. I want Marya, my only sister. I want her! Again, tears drop and drop from my eyes like it's not going to stop. I cry and cry, leaving a big scar on my heart. Bleeding and scratching. I'm on my knees with my head lowered in hurtness, awfulness and tiredness. I get sick of all these. But now, all I can do is calling her name, waiting for the hope that will never come to my life, starring at my hopeless future.


******THE END*********


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