Hellooooooo guyss
It's been a damn long time since I updated this blog. You must have missed me right? huehue.. How are you? I hope you are in the best of your life right now.
Well for me..I've been busy with my life at my new university (really??) so as you know I take Arabic Language and Literature as my major course in Kulliyah IRKHS. And ... learning here is pretty interesting. Well, it's quite the same back when I took asasi. Same method of learning, same type of assignments, bla bla bla. I'm glad that I took asasi cause I have learned the basic skills to do assignments and so on.
My lecturers are quite nice. I've heard some people got weird lecturers that do not make sense and cheapskate at giving marks. Woww I was lucky that my lecturers are not like those others. I wish that next next next sem till I graduate, I will be learning with kind and professional lecturers.
While friends and classmates, I think I don't have many problems with them. They are quite good and responsibly do group works together ( even though some are lacking their common sense) but well it's pretty good.
Im sorry I lied. Life's not good. Everything is fucked up. I hate it. I hate this phase of my life. The stress here is unbearable. Its like u want to cry but tears wont come out. Its like u have problems and you dont know how to solve it, you dont know how to forget it and you dont know how to tell to others. Coz you dont trust others anymore. Group works here are shitty too. With foreigners and seniors and guys... welp I hate it all. I hate the one who initiated at first that university students must do works in group. I hate being hypocrite. I hate saying im okay with those workloads when actually im not. I hate studying. I hate doing assignments. Its not like i will certainly get a job when i finish this 4 years damn study in this university. Why must I study like this? To be successful? To get a job? To get money?
And aahh.. I noticed that this first semester is quite weird. Yeah like at the first phase before mid-semester, the learning process was really slow like we were having a picnic at the beach (but of course it was in those small classes) and after the mid-semester break, BAMM! The assignments came one after another, the syllabus must be finished quickly and yeah that what makes me a bit stressful. Like why didn't you give the assignments early, why were you procrastinating before this?
Hmmm.. so now my weekends are like my weekdays, full of works to be done.Gladly, it will be only 4 weeks more till this sem ends. Pleasee..make it quick. How I miss watching dramas, my peaceful sleep, waking up at 10 am, drawing and sketching, doing leisure things that I like. Huhuhu

It's been a damn long time since I updated this blog. You must have missed me right? huehue.. How are you? I hope you are in the best of your life right now.
Well for me..I've been busy with my life at my new university (really??) so as you know I take Arabic Language and Literature as my major course in Kulliyah IRKHS. And ... learning here is pretty interesting. Well, it's quite the same back when I took asasi. Same method of learning, same type of assignments, bla bla bla. I'm glad that I took asasi cause I have learned the basic skills to do assignments and so on.
My lecturers are quite nice. I've heard some people got weird lecturers that do not make sense and cheapskate at giving marks. Woww I was lucky that my lecturers are not like those others. I wish that next next next sem till I graduate, I will be learning with kind and professional lecturers.
While friends and classmates, I think I don't have many problems with them. They are quite good and responsibly do group works together ( even though some are lacking their common sense) but well it's pretty good.
Im sorry I lied. Life's not good. Everything is fucked up. I hate it. I hate this phase of my life. The stress here is unbearable. Its like u want to cry but tears wont come out. Its like u have problems and you dont know how to solve it, you dont know how to forget it and you dont know how to tell to others. Coz you dont trust others anymore. Group works here are shitty too. With foreigners and seniors and guys... welp I hate it all. I hate the one who initiated at first that university students must do works in group. I hate being hypocrite. I hate saying im okay with those workloads when actually im not. I hate studying. I hate doing assignments. Its not like i will certainly get a job when i finish this 4 years damn study in this university. Why must I study like this? To be successful? To get a job? To get money?
And aahh.. I noticed that this first semester is quite weird. Yeah like at the first phase before mid-semester, the learning process was really slow like we were having a picnic at the beach (but of course it was in those small classes) and after the mid-semester break, BAMM! The assignments came one after another, the syllabus must be finished quickly and yeah that what makes me a bit stressful. Like why didn't you give the assignments early, why were you procrastinating before this?
Hmmm.. so now my weekends are like my weekdays, full of works to be done.
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