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Noire ou Blanche?

Black or white?

What is your choice?

Hahaha.. it's up to you. I dont care. Yeah.. I DONT CARE. But nowadays people are just to racist. Especially here in Malaysia.


They are judging people by their skin's colour. You are white, then you are pretty, acceptable, gorgeous of all. But if you are black or dark brown or kind of dark colours, you are hideous and ugly. You aren't accepted in this community.


Why though people always judge? Is that all matters? Is our skin colour shows our personality? Huh?

Please stop racism.

Hey, you can't say that to people. Either they have black or white or brown colour on their skin, that does not matter. We are what we are. At the end of the day, all that matters is our personality. Our behaviours. Our heart. Even if you have fair skin, a beautiful complex , a sexy body, but if your personalities suck, than it is a waste. If your heart is rotten, we will see where you gonna stop at the end.

And this difference of skin colour is actually a gift, so that people can be unique. And we get to know each other, we get to see every kind of person in this world.

But people won't stop. They give lots of critics to black people. Saying they are ugly, and whatsoever. At last, some people trynna be as fair as they can be. They try so many whitening products, from pills, to soaps, to drink, to injection. Yeah..until they become fake. They hide behind their true colours. They expose themselves to danger, as taking the untrusted products.

Using products actually makes your skin decay a lot faster. It makes your skin ages before the actual time. And worst, you could be dead if you mistake the wrong products. Are skin colours better than your own health? Huh? And you will just be a fake person, trying to expose your beauty. Why be fake though, when at last you'll stand alone if the truth is revealed?

So..I beg you ..please stop judging people by their skin tones.

What really matters is our heart. On the Day of Judgement, Allah do not see our races, our wealth, our skintones, but He sees our heart, either we are a good person who worships Him, or you are an ungrateful person who betrays Him.

Thus, be nice. We live in this world which does not last. We are crossing the bridges to akhirah. So be nice. We can choose where we gonna be at the end, Hell or Heaven. We must choose to be nice. We must.

So what's your choice?

I will leave it to you.

The point is, noire ou blanche, it doesnt matter. Just take care of your heart, polish it with good attitudes and nice personalities.

A plus tard! Au revoir!😊


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