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So so...

This is the last one!


And you'll never hear bout Tris again from me.. Maybe... Huhuiii

So in this last sequel, the main characters got out of the city and went to the outer world. Including Tris, Tobias, Cara, Caleb, Peter, Christina and others. (Haha.. I don't really remember actually.. -_-")

Ahh.. But but.. I forgot to tell you that Peter had saved Tris in Insurgent. Like he's the one who didn't inject the death serum into Tris. Good Peter!

Alright.. In the first and second book, you were divided by factions. But now you will be divided by GENETIC. Hohoo..
Well.. There are two parties, GP and GD. GP means Genetic Purity while GD means Genetic Damage. In this new world, they said all of those damages and crimes and all sorts of bad things are caused by those who are GDs. And in fact, the city where they lived in was just an experiment for the outer world. Blerghh..

So after a test, Tobias discovered that he was not a Divergent, but a GD who assembled to divergent. He became unstable after that and just.. Be a worse him. Like he enjoyed an other girl's plan instead following his girlfriend's advice to not joining in. And the result is, the plan caused Uriah to go comma and not waking up ever again. Such a stupid Tobias!!! Urghh...

However, Tris once again save their relationship and forgave him. Haihh..

So.. This and that happened... And lastly they need someone to sacrifice for breaking into the serum room, which was guarded by death serum. And Caleb nominated himself to do it. But lastly... U know what happened?????

That stupid Caleb caused Tris to die!!! Urghh.. Instead of Caleb, Tris went into the room. She can survive the death serum and released the memory serum, but she lost with the gunshots. Huuuuuuu... Why must the heroine die? It's nonsense. For sake, the one who should actually die is Caleb!!! Ciss... Traitor!

So soo.. Tris died lastly, and Tobias was left alone. Huu.. And he threw her ashes through the city when he went on zip line at the end of the story. Why so sad... :-(

And so.. Their plan succeeded lastly. The outer world and the city were connected. Evelyn turned into a good person as she chose her son instead of the city.While Peter turned good too As he desperately wanted to drink the memory serum. Cause he wanted to forget about all of the bad things he did. Poor boy... I like him better than Caleb. Huh!

So.. Is this the end?

I think so. Hahaha...

Well.. I think that I write too short this time. Nonetheless, just take it as it is. Huhuiii.

This divergent series really took a place in my heart.. Hehehe.. Thanks for writing an amazing, mesmerizing story, Veronica Roth!! =D

Kkk.. We should stop here.

Byeee.. See u next time! ●▽●

P/s: I'll always hate Caleb! :-P


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