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Fuwahhh... At last, I had finished reading the heart-pounding debut of Veronica Roth, Divergent. Yeah!!

And my reaction is... Two thumbs up! Huihuii...

The Divergent novel is quite incredible, fascinating and sank me into an adventurous story. Marvellous! It actually tells about a community which is divided into five factions, according to their choice and aptitude; Dauntless, Abnegation, Amity, Candor and Erudite. Phewww... Long story short, this first novel from its triplet, tells mostly about the initiates; who've got to choose their faction when they are sixteen.

Well well.. I'm not going to tell you about the story, but just bout my opinions and criticism. So if you want to know the whole story, you are pleasantly allowed to buy the novels. Or.. Just watch the movie. Hahaha.. But always remember that both can never be the same. Huhuu..

So so.. The heroin is Beatrice 'Tris' Prior, shortly, Tris. She came from an Abnegation family, turned into a Dauntless member. Yeah.. Cause the theme is 'faction before blood'. That makes sense. And Tris is actually a Divergent; which she has Abnegation, Dauntless and Erudite personality. There, she met Tobias, which is the initiates' training leader, who got to be a Divergent too.

And so.. Why did I tell you about the story again? Hahaha.. I bet I don't know what I wanna write actually.

Before I read this novel, I thought it was just a typical novel, another Hunger Games's siblings. Hoho.. But when I read it, it's totally divergent. Like its name... Hahaha.. I could meet Tris, Tobias, Christina, Will and others in this adventure. Oh Caleb, to be included. :-P

At first, I was deceived by Four, which I didn't knew that he is Tobias. Cessss... I kept wondering when does the hero will come, coz I remembered that my sister said Tobias is the hero. Then... -_-... Well.. I knew it now. Huhhh.

But I totally disagree with the way of their life. Divided. Into different factions. And not united. Isn't it terrible?  Wouldn't it bring to a destroyed country, absence of prosperity? Hurmmm.. I think it does, like the war that happened at the story's ending. I bet if I live there.. I might be factionless. Cause I'm not that smart to be Erudite. I'm not that brave to be Dauntless. I'm not that selfless to be Abnegation. I'm not that kind to be Amity. And I'm not that honest to be Candor. But if I really have to choose, it would be Amity. Yeah.. Cause I like peacefulness. :)
So.. What's yours? Choose wisely, okay.. Huihuii..

Oh, and I remember about what Tobias said. He wanted to be all actually; smart, kind, brave, honest and selfless. But Tris replied, that nobody's perfect. That's why we have to choose who we truly are. Kihkihh..

So I thought that the story might has wars everywhere, but it's just a little of them. Cause mostly it tells about the initiates' test to be members of Dauntless. Yes.. Majority is about Dauntless, Abnegation and Erudite. When can I know deeper about Candor and Amity? In the next series, I hope. Hihii...

In a nutshell, this novel is enjoyable and spectacular. I've got to read the next two series; Insurgent and Allegiant. Yeayy!! I am looking forward to it. Ahhh.. And its movie seems good, but I don't have the chance to watch it yet. Bet it'd be another free time.

So, who's my favourite character actually? Haha.. I don't think I know it yet. Could it be Caleb? Hahaha.. Just kidding. :-P

And by far, I really love this quotes:

I am divergent. And I can't be controlled.

You chose us. Now we have to choose you.

So I think I have to be Divergent too. Uncontrolled. I like it. :-)

Goodbye then. Hope to see ya with Insurgent's post next time. Hehee..

P/s: That someone told me he was going to eat for a while. I didn't have the idea that his 'a while' takes this very long time. Mehhh.. Just take your time, bruh. I'll wait and see. (▰˘︹˘▰).‾︿‾


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