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Writing and Writhing

So sem ni aku amek Arabic Creative Writing. And kenalah tulis macam2 petikan and karangan. Nak tulis dalam bm or bi tu boleh tahan lagi, tapi nak translate tu memenatkan haghagahaga. Reverso lah teman karibku. Cakap pasal menulis, teringat waktu sekolah menengah dulu rajin gila aku menulis. Banyak jugakla cerpen ngan novel yang aku dah tulis masatu. Aku simpan lagi sampai sekarang hehehe. Aku tulis cerita inspired by kawan aku punya complicated love story (hshshss), sekuel novel 6.20 (sukma X iskandar endgame yo haghagahag), modernized kasim selamat, melayu-fied snow white (senah weeta n kopok leko XD), and cerpen-cerpen lain yang banyaknya inspired by jalan cerita novel2 cinta n drama2 yg femes waktu tu haghagahaga. Banyak kan?? Padahal waktu tu dok kat asrama, gigihla aku tulis guna pensel petit dalam buku latihan bergaris tu adoii. Puisi2 pon aku tulis, biasalah waktu tu idea and inspirasi bercambah gila. Tapi sekarang? Hmmm geleng pala je lah. Fanfic pon aku lama dah tak tulis. A...
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Aku , Bas dan TBS

Haluuu semua. Sekarang dah cuti sem yehuuu cuti sebulann! Aku balik awal sebab tadak exam, orang lain tengah exam lagi sekarang hshhshsgs ni lah kelebihannya kos arab sastera tadak final exam 😆  Ok so harini aku nak cerita pasal TBS. Kepada yang tak tahu, TBS tu Terminal Bersepadu Selatan kat KL. Tbs ni memang femes sebab banyak orang naik bas kat sini.  So balik haritu aku naik bas dari TBS. Tapiiiiii sekali lagi tbs ni mengkhianati aku. MENCI!!!! Boleh pulak bas yang aku nak naik tu delay. 3 jam lebih lak tu!!! Dahla bagi tau last minit kata tadak bas waktu tu. Nasib baik boleh jugak balik rumah kalau dak aku cekik sorang2!!! (Gurau) Sambil menunggu bas tu, aku pun dudukla kat surau ye buat kerja. Seb baek aku ni wanita bekerjaya (kikikiki) ada gak la benda nak buat sambil tunggu lama. Aku ingat lagi first time datang tbs memang blur gilaa. Dahla yg tu sbb ditipu ulat tiket sobs sobss. So waktu tu nak pergi kuantan sbb waktu asasi. Pastu nak naik la bas dari sungai petani. ...

Life Update 2023

Haluuuu it's meeeee This will be my first post in 2023 hehee. I only posted one single entry in 2022 and that's embarrassing. Oh my goodness.  Btw I'll just keep blabbing in this post so i hope you don't mind. So now, I am in my final year of degree at my university, and it's already the last week of 4th year 1st sem. Oh goshh how time flies. This sem feels fast? I think. But the assignments are still piling up on this last week. I have no time to dilly dallying in my bed T_T Mainly it was because of this one subject this one lec that keeps postponing the tasks and he doesn't even teach properly ugh Anyways I'm also working on my final year project and somehow my research title became so complicated hshhshshs. Hope I could finish it on time cause I wanna go home early. (Or i don't wanna stuck on it for so long).  And also I'm working part time as a layout editor for this one book company. The task is not that hard and the pay is worth it. And i can...

3rd Year 2nd Sem

Haluuu guys!! Really really long time no see hashsggshg last I updated this blog was on 10th June 2021. Woaa! So hawayu? I just finished my 3rd year 2nd sem of my study in university hehe that means one more year till I graduate. I have to do my internship next month tho! Luckily my internship will be in the uni also, so no need to worry bout transport and accommodation.  I think this semester is the less stressful I've been. Less free-rider, less problematic lecturer, so I like it! And oh, this sem I've to go to physical classes after 2 years of studying online. Fufuu yknow dulu waktu online class, punyala tak sabar nak tunggu pergi kelas f2f. Tapi bila dah kena pergi, malas plak sbb kalau online class, bangun 5 minit sebelum kelas pon sempat lagi. Kalau physical class, kena bangun sejam setengah sebelum kelas doo.. just to bersiap2 and jalan pergi kelas. Anyways, best je sebab lama tak jumpak orang kikiki. Tapi sem ni rasanya paling less interact dengan batchmates lain sebabn...

Stressful Semester

Hello it's been a while! jk I haven't posted here since September 2020, almost a year hshshhshsh So today, finally, effing finally!!!!! my 2nd year 2nd semester in university has ended! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can finally breathe!  I don't know why but this semester is the worst semester of all i've been through. It's stressful from day 1. I don't know whether it's a side effect of being in a pandemic for so long. But the stress is's like I'm alive but I'm dead too. First of all, my uni decided to do 10-week lectures then mid sem break then continue with 4 more weeks. Usually, it's 7/7 but this time they did the schedule differently, maybe because they want to put the raya holiday in the midsem break also. At first, I was like.. oh okayy I think I can manage this coz usually the midsem break is full of assignments too, so what's the difference? But then, as I went through it.. it was so...

SEM 2, 2019/2020

Heyyoo long time no see. So cam biasa sem 2 degree dah habes, and here I am summarizing what I have learnt during the 2nd semester. I took 8 subjects and the total credit hours are 18ch. 1. USRAH BUDI 2 (CCUB 2621) Ok ni cam biasa subjek kokurikulum. Lebih kurang ja konsep dia cam usrah budi 1 haritu. Cuma discuss pasal isu lain la. Assignment dia pon cam sama ja, kena buat blog, kena bentang, buat poster and so on. 2. ETHICS AND FIQHS OF CONTEMPORARY ISSUES (UNGS 2080) Seperti tajuknya, ofkosla belajar pasal etika. Ni subjek wajib universiti so belajar dalam English.Generally belajar pasal etika dalam isu semasa like etika dalam masyarakat majmuk,pengguguran, bedah plastik etc.  Assignment dia tak berat tapi banyak. Like ada 2 kali test, buat poster, article review, buat slide, bentang and buat report. Gituhhh. 3. ADVANCED TILAWAH 2 (TQ 3002) Ni subjek wajib untuk budak BAR & IRK. Subjek ni boleh amek lepas dah pass advanced tilawah 1. Dia continuation kepada subjek tilawah 1 ...

Asasi UIA - Benda Basic Untuk Tahu

Note: Saya tulis post ni waktu asasi batch 2018/2019, jadi maybe ada perubahan serba sedikit dengan peredaran zaman. Jadi, kalau jumpak post yang lagi baru, lebih baik rujuk post tersebut or rujuk students yang baru grad dari asasi uia. Harap maklum. Ohayou gozaimasu Ok memandangkan post pasal asasi uia tu mendapat sambutan ramai dan banyak pulak persoalan yang berlegar2 di kepala anda semua, maka terhasil lah post kali ini plak. I'll tell you about benda basic yang anda nak tahu pasal asasi atau org panggil CFS (Centre for Foundation Studies) kat UIA nih. Orait lets go!!!!!!! Akak, asasi uia belajar kat mana eh sekarang? Dekat UIA Gambang. Sekarang semua asasi memang amek kat UIA Gambang sahaja! Titik. Tak amek dah kat uia lain. UIA lain hanya utk degree/master/phd. Sebabnya uia gambang tu baru sahaja siap dibina tahun lepas dan memang dikhaskan utk pelajar asasi uia. Gambang tu kat mana akak? Kat Pahang, sayang. Berapa lama eh belajar asasi ni? 10 bulan as in SETAHUN. A...