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Showing posts from June, 2021

Stressful Semester

Hello it's been a while! jk I haven't posted here since September 2020, almost a year hshshhshsh So today, finally, effing finally!!!!! my 2nd year 2nd semester in university has ended! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can finally breathe!  I don't know why but this semester is the worst semester of all i've been through. It's stressful from day 1. I don't know whether it's a side effect of being in a pandemic for so long. But the stress is's like I'm alive but I'm dead too. First of all, my uni decided to do 10-week lectures then mid sem break then continue with 4 more weeks. Usually, it's 7/7 but this time they did the schedule differently, maybe because they want to put the raya holiday in the midsem break also. At first, I was like.. oh okayy I think I can manage this coz usually the midsem break is full of assignments too, so what's the difference? But then, as I went through it.. it was so