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Showing posts from January, 2019

Why Do I Fall In Love With Arabic?

Ahlan wasahlan!!! Acecehh..harini nak cakap pasal arab so kenala kecek arab siket. Penggg Okeyh Sebenarnya ai nak cerita macam mana ai boleh terpikir nak pilih kos arab ni. And macam mana ai boleh jatuh suka dengan bahasa arab ni. And actually I have to write this coz sometimes I feel like giving up to learn arabic. Yeah..kadang2 aku fikir kenapala aku amek arab ni. Belajar bahasa asing ni bukan mudah tambah kau nak korek dalam2 pasal ye. So here, let me explain it why. Aku rasa aku tertarik dengan arab ni sebab semua ustaz arab aku best2. Dari darjah 1 lagi. Acewahhh Aku ingat lagi nama ustaz tu. Ustaz Loqman Hakim. Setiap kali kelas mesti dia cakap "qiyaman, julusan" banyak kali (means suruh bangun n duduk) sebab xnak bagi pelajar mengantok. And ustaz tu ajar aku smpai drjah 4 x silap sebab darjah lima aku pindah. Waktu darjah 3 ingat lagi kelas aku perform lagu arab "ana uhibbu khodrowati" tapi rentak "kami guru malaysia". Hohoho. Sampai sekar...

Arabic Placement Test (APT)

Note: Saya tulis post ni waktu asasi batch 2018/2019, jadi maybe ada perubahan serba sedikit dengan peredaran zaman. Jadi, kalau jumpak post yang lagi baru, lebih baik rujuk post tersebut or rujuk students yang baru grad dari asasi uia. Harap maklum. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ما أخبركم جميعا؟ الآن سأشرح لكم عن الاختبار اللغة العربية الذي يجب عليكم ان تجلسوا لها إذا تريد التحاق دراستكم في الجامعة الاسلامية العالمية بماليزيا ......ايوه Wukey2..saye acah2 je cakap arab tak pro lagi haa ') tapi sekadar nak cakap pasal apt ni no hal laa Kuikuii...ayuh!!! Ok..apt ni seperti yang anda tahu adalah ujian yg perlu anda duduki kalau nak masuk uia. Selalunya ia diadakan waktu taaruf week.  Dengar macam senang tapi tak semudah yang anda sangka. Bagi pelajar kos BAR IRK wa LAW SYARIAH, anda mestila mendapatkan band 6 to be exempted. Haaa.. band 6 ni maksudnya markah mestilah 61persen ke atas. But..bagi pelajar lain alhamdulillah..uolls cuma kena lepas band 2 jerr S...


Whooopssss It's already a new year!! Yappy hew near!! XD But suddenly I realized that I didn't write much in 2018. Omaigaddd So usual, let me conclude my life in 2018! Huihuihuihuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii At the beginning of the year, I stayed at home as I was jobless and just finished my study in high school, waiting for SPM's result. It was a boring boring, dull period that I've ever been to.  Then in March, I got my result and alhamdulillah, it was a miracle, a chance that rarely I get, maybe once in a lifetime. I was at my peak, I was so happy that it was speechless. So at the end of June, I continued my study in IIUM Kuantan. I chose Arabic Language course cause at that time, I was so confident and I thought I have passion for that course. Nonetheless, I got through a hard time. I had to study far far away from my home at Kedah, met new people, study in a new different way and had to suit myself with the lifestyle here. And what is the most challenging as I k...