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Showing posts from April, 2018

The Repentance

Well hello you guys! It's been a long time since I updated my blog. At first actually, I wanna update about something else but something came up. So I need to tell you this. Last night I had a nightmare. A terrible one. About the Dajal. It was so scary. 😵 Only God knows how I feel. At the end of the nightmare, I got caught by him and he turned me into stone, leaving me to death. I thought I was already dead. But luckily, it was just a nightmare. Fuhhh... Alhamdulillah. So when I slowly "died" last night, I thought to myself, is this the ending that I want all this time? Is that enough? Am I qualified to go to Jannah? Are my good deeds much enough? But at that time, I had no choice but to just go with the flow. To just agreed with the situation when I died. But today I am alive. I have choices. I knew my good deeds are not much enough. I am barely qualified for heaven. As I thought about my late sins, I feel scared. Just how much time do we have more in th