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Showing posts from September, 2015


Woohoo... long time no see! It's been a while since I updated my blog... Hmm, hmm, hmm... I don't know what to say.. 'Bout my story, The Twisted Fate, do you like it? There are 2 chapters left! Whoa!! It's a relief and I think I want to write it next time. I am so appreciated if you are reading that wonderful  quite boring story. The story is just... urgghh! Too ugly to look it back. It's predictable and got a little confused sometime, and I feel like I can't tell you what I really want to tell you. Hoho. Forget about that ugly story.. Back to now. Recently, I've been reading 'Dengeki Daisy"  comic by Motomi Kyousuke. It's really an amazing, spectacular story! It's a shoujo comic and I'm reading it online. Cause you know, I really want to buy that comic, but it is not sold in Malaysia. (T_T) Frankly, I love to read comics so much! And out of all, I really love Motomi Kyousuke's comics. I had read some of them back then lik

The Twisted Fate : Chapter 10

VERSE 2 "FAULT & FATE"   "Urgghh.... urggghhh.."   "Joshua? Joshua!! What happened to you??"   " Urgghhh..."   "Erwin!! Erwin!! Hurry up!! Joshua was hurt and he's bleeding a lot! Oh dear.." **********   "Joshua?"   "Mom.." I open my eyes. It's so bright. I look around, it's all white.Yes, this is hospital.   "Joshua, are you alright? We're so worried about you. What had happened? Where had you been?" Mom asks many questions. Dad is sitting beside her, looking worried at me.   "I.. I'm okay. This is 2025, right?" I ask weakly. I have no energy now after the incident.   "Yes, my dear.. what happened to  you?"   "No.. nothing." I try to sit up straightly on the bed. My head is bandaged. It was such a hard hit that I had. I look around the room. Where is she?   "Mom, Dad.. where's Marya?   "Marya?"

The Twisted Fate: Chapter 9

 " Let's go! Let's go!" I feel so happy that I run forward to the road myself, unrealised he was left behind.   I turn back. What's with him? He is pressing his head, like feeling dizzy. I stop at the middle of the road, wanting to walk back to him Suddenly..   "Watch out!!!" I hear him yelling at me. I look to my right. Oh, no!   "Pon! Pon! Poooooooooonnnnnnnnn!!!" I'm frost, shocked. I close my eyes, ready to be hit, but....    "BAMMM!!"   There's a loud bang. I fall on the ground. What's going on? Someone push me just now! I try hard to stand up, searching that person. All I see is a big truck that stops on the road and in front of it is..   Noooo!!! It's Jonathan! He was hit by that truck. He saved me just now! I run to him like the earth is never enough to step on. I knelt beside his body. He is bleeding so much. My hands are trembling frighteningly. I couldn't see him like this!   "Jonathan! Wak

The Twisted Fate : Chapter 8

"Ehemm.." I turn back. It's him. "Marya," he calls. "I must go in a few minutes later." His words are killing me. What? Why must now?   "Can't you stay here?"   "No, I can't." He lowers his head. I prevent my tears from dropping.   "How long?"   "It's a long time. But we.." I quickly hug him. Tears are drowning my face. I can't stand it anymore.   "Where will you go? Can I follow you? Or..can't you stay here? Don't say no, please..." I cry and cry, knowing that he will go from my life. He gently rubs my back.   " Marya, I want you to hear this." He looks deeply into my eyes. " We will meet again soon."   " Meet again?"   "Yes, but it will take a long, long time. You have to be patient."   " I.. I'll wait on you. I'll wait, even if it's a decade or a century.." I looked desperate but you know, my feeling jus

Are-nis Mumtaz

Hello, guys!!!! How are you? What have you been up to? Hmmm.. never mind. Today, I wanna talk about my dear cute friend. ( As I had made a promise with her.. Hoho..) And, her name is...... ALIANIS ALLIANI Woohooo....give a clap!!! Peeweet!!! Seronok tak, Alianis? Hehe.. Tanpa melengahkan masa, marilah kita sama sama mengetahui siapakah sebenarnya insan ini...  Jeng jeng jeng... #ARE-NIS  COMEY Ini kisah Alianis Alliani Nampak ayu comel sekali Tapi hampa tak tahu lagi Siapakah gerangan gadis ini Orangnya segak dipandang mata Ramai peminat, hang tau pa! Tapi bila cubit, ini dia!! Dia punya rasa, macam ketam berbisa Jalan ayu penuh sopan Lemah lembut pada luaran Namun bila depan kawan-kawan Kasar gila, asyik nak berlawan Lagi satu, dia pandai melawak Tengok muka pun rasa nak tergelak Aku ni saja ja nak melawak Harap jangan marah pulak Haha... habes dah!! Cemna? Best tak? Hokhok.. Hmmm, takpelah. Tak tau dah nak cakap