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Showing posts from 2022

3rd Year 2nd Sem

Haluuu guys!! Really really long time no see hashsggshg last I updated this blog was on 10th June 2021. Woaa! So hawayu? I just finished my 3rd year 2nd sem of my study in university hehe that means one more year till I graduate. I have to do my internship next month tho! Luckily my internship will be in the uni also, so no need to worry bout transport and accommodation.  I think this semester is the less stressful I've been. Less free-rider, less problematic lecturer, so I like it! And oh, this sem I've to go to physical classes after 2 years of studying online. Fufuu yknow dulu waktu online class, punyala tak sabar nak tunggu pergi kelas f2f. Tapi bila dah kena pergi, malas plak sbb kalau online class, bangun 5 minit sebelum kelas pon sempat lagi. Kalau physical class, kena bangun sejam setengah sebelum kelas doo.. just to bersiap2 and jalan pergi kelas. Anyways, best je sebab lama tak jumpak orang kikiki. Tapi sem ni rasanya paling less interact dengan batchmates lain sebabn...