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Showing posts from September, 2017


Heyyy... Hohohohho I have a new crush! And he is absolutely..... JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!! Yeahh...I'm a belieber right now! And will be forever. Well well... I really love Justin. He is a unique guy. A selfless one. I can't help but love him. He's so adorable! He's talented.. from his young age to now.And his voice is the best. Cause it remains good from My World era to Purpose. I really love all his songs. And I feel so please now that he turns good. He has no connection with any annoying girl anymore.. and that is the fact that I appreciate the most. Justin's words in his meaningful songs really motivated me these days. He has purpose and dreams. And he believes in himself. That's the good point in him. I think I really need to listen carefully to his inspirational quotes and they will surely give useful meanings into my life. Yeahh.. And I really do not understand of people who hate him. He has nothing to do with that guys. But they keep