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Showing posts from June, 2017

Just Shut Your Mouth!

Yeahh.. I really hate you, KNetz!!! Some of you, who are abusing my beloved Top Oppa mentally. Urghhhhh! Yup. FYI, Top was accused of smoking drugs (marijuana) and yes.. That was true. I also felt a little disappointed at first.. But you know when you really like someone, you don't really care if they do wrongs. Yeah, he was at fault. Consuming drugs.. It is prohibited. And he already wrote an apology letter. He said he felt so ashamed of himself and he will repent. But the Korea netizens are too much! They really are! When Top was expelled from his military, he was smiling. Although his clean-and-clear skin was not there, and he looked pale, but he kept smiling. I know that he wanna hide his sadness deep inside. And you know what's the KNetz were saying? They criticized him for smiling, because he should be sad with his situation. What?? So you want him to kneel and cry there? To make sad face?? And then you will laugh at him? You really are wicked witches. Arghhhh!!

Home or Hostel??

Wacacaaa... Well.. Sel@m@t berpuasa semuaa! Huhu.. Hari ni hari yg ke berapa?  Ketujuh dah kan? Huhuii.. So pagi2 nii.. Tetibe aii terpanggil untuk membicarakan pasai... Rumah ka Asqamaa ? ? ? Haa.. Uolls students, korang pilih yang mana?? Mesti rata2 jawab rumah kan?? Holaaa.. Coz kat rumah ada mama lah, ada fon lah, ada TV lah, bebas takdak peraturanlahh.. And papejelahhh.. *roll eyes* But but... Bagi aku... Setelah aku berumur tujuh belas ni... Tahun last bagi aku nak duduk asrama MMSK ni haa.. Aku rasa... Aku prefer asqama lagi kot. WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??? No.. It's just... U know why.. Blerghh... Kat rumah.. Memangla ada semua2 tuu... Tapi bebannya lebih banyak. Banyak. Yup. Kain nak sidai, nak lipat tak pernah habes tambah2 kau ni banyak siblings. Pinggan mangkuk kat sink tu haa tak pernah nak berkurang. Asal basuh ada balik. Wacchaa.. Hatta pepagi pon ada dah.. Bertambun lak tu.. Ingat ada mood ke pepagi nak tengok semua2 tuu? Stress tau dak.. Hek ellehh.. Sikit je pon