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Showing posts from December, 2016

Au Revoir 2016

Nyeheheheehe... I'm blogging again tonight. ● 3● Well.. 2016 will end in just two days so I think I've got to say something. Yes! Hmmm.. What I'm gonna say though?? This year had left me a lot of memories. Bitter and sweet. Haha.. I still remember almost all the memories like moving to another school, getting my heart broken, getting it fixed back, sitting on SMAMM exam, getting new friends, getting boyfriend.. (Oopsss ●0●) Haha.. So what do I hope for 2017? Well.. I just thought that I could be fine and healthy as possible, having lots of time for good things, having an unbreakable relay with him, doing the best in my SPM, and absolutely, facing all the hard things with tough n strong heart. Yeahhh!!! What are your wishes then? Hoho.. I just wanna say.. HAPPY NEW YEAR, GUYS!!! (Just in case I don't have the chance to say it later :) By the way, I think all of my plans for this holiday are going down the rubbish bin. Absolutely. What I mean by ...


Yupp.. I'm just a young teenager, gonna be seventeen and gonna take my most important exam, SPM - which would decide where should I go after high school. Right? But yes,  being a teenager is quite difficult. Hmmm.. Sebab pa aku kata susah? Haaa... Takla susah mana, tapi waktu umur remaja ni la hang nak rasa macam2. Dan masa ni jugak la hang paling kuat memberontak. Betul tak? Huihui... Tapi orang kata masa muda ni la masa yg paling berharga. Cause masa ni la hang nak enjoy segalanya. Tua nanti tak boleh nak enjoy2 dah. Kan kan? Sebab lagi kita tua, lagi banyak tanggungjawab yang kita kena ambik. Huhu.. Ehhhh... Aku bukak sesi ceramah ape ni?  Hahax.. Takdelah. Just nak cita,  aku pon seorang remaja jugak. Remaja yg hidup dalam era yg mencabar ni. Zaman ledakan teknologi katakan.. Kihkihh.. So so... Apa lagi nak cakap ehh? Blank laa kalau tulis kat blog ni. Ni teqa tulis bm. Kalau tulis english lagi blank la jawabnyaa. -_-" Okayy... Sapa dia remaja macam aii jugak, a...


Haha.. Of course larhh!!! Am I a robot then? Or an alien? Or a goblin? Hahax... Just kidding. Stay cool kiddo!! I'm a human. A normal one. Being a human is a blessed gift. Cause human is the best creation in the world. Yeah... Yeahhh... Yeah.. Yeah. *krik krik* So what am I blabbering about? Ship. Kk.. Daaa~ This is just me who is bored at 3:10 a.m. Huhuuu.. I think I have to pen off this silly little writing. Gomennnn... Buhbyeeee!!!  <( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) ( ̄ˇ ̄) Ahh.. By the way, the truth is... ⇩

Who am I?

Hmmmm... Hellooo... Long time no see...  Well..sejak kebelakangan nie.. Aku asyik busy jerrr. Busy makan, main fon,  tido dan termenung sorang2. Huhu.. Minggu depan nak kena masuk sekolah dah.  Hmm.. So,  apa patut aku post ye kat blog aku ni? Cer bagi cadangan siket! Huhu.. Bla bla bla... Sebenarnya aku bercadang nak buat siri "WHO AM I? " kat blog aku yang cool ni. Hahax. Tatau la nak menjadi ke tak.. Mesti uolls excited kan nak tunggu story mory aii. Hewheww *gelak gedik So so... Who am I?  Siapa aku ni? Jeng jengggg... Nantikan episod seterusnya dan seterus-terusnyaaaa. Huahuaa..  Kay lah.. Babaii smuaaa!!  Luv uuu... Muah muahhhh...  P/s: sapa yg cakap duit tak boleh bagi kebahagiaan tuu,  boleh kott bagi duit dia kat aku.  Huhuuu... I NEED MONEYYYYY!!!