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Showing posts from March, 2016


Well, well, well..... First of all, today, I want to celebrate my beloved blog for having 2k views!!!! Wooohooooo!!! Congratz~ =D And I am so so happy now! I don't know why, I just wanna be happy. Hiho... And did you all know? The Noragami Aragoto's 2nd OVA is out!!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! I want to watch it immediately! Cause you know, I've been waiting for a long time since its last episode. But I can't watch it yet, cause I can't find it online. Do you know where can I get to watch it??? Please....... tell me! Huhu... The reason I am all agog to watch it is because this episode has the sweetest scene between my favourite lovely couple, Yatori- Yato and Hiyori. I know it cause I had read the manga but I REALLY want to see it animated! Huhu... ( hope when I come back next time, I get the chance to watch it) So, so... tomorrow, I will go back to my favourite hostel, yet my old lovely school! Haha! (I think I have to prepare myself a pan to cover my face...

Moving Back

Well, hello....... Do you know what's the meaning of the title??? It's mean... I'm going back to my old school!!! Yeehaaaaaaa!! ermmm.. hampa nak gelak, gelak laa... aku tak kesah. Tapi aku tau ni la keputusan paling baik bagi aku. My best final decision! Baru duduk dua minggu, aku dah pindah balik pulak. Haha... nak tau kenapa? Sebab... sekolah baru tu lain gila. Aku pening duduk kat situ, nak belajar pon tak boleh... huhu... sedihnya.. T-T  Aku malas nak comment panjang2. In short, sebab tu la aku pindah balik. Sepanjang 2 minggu aku duduk kat situ, hari2 aku mintak doa nak pindah balik. Pastu, hari2 aku sakit kepala dok fikir... nanti,kalau cerita kat ayah aku, dia bagi ka aku pindah balik? Huhu.. Dan, nasib baik laa ayah aku bagi ja. Senang2 pulak tu! Sebelum tu, aku dok serabut pikiaq nak cakap cemna? Nak teriak la, apalah... Tapi waktu balik tu, senang2 ja ayah aku bagi balik. Tapi dengan syarat, aku kena pi cakap sendiri dengan cikgu2. Tak