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Showing posts from February, 2016


Huhuhuuuuu.....(ಥ_ಥ) Well..hello guys!! I just have the chance to post on my blog today cause last two days, I was infected by flu and headache.  So, I'm just getting back my mood today. So, so... because this is a special post, I wanna write it in Malay. (^v^) Okay... hello semua.  Sebenarnya, aku nak cerita yg aku nak pindah ke sekolah baru esok! (tepukla tangan siket) Hmmm... perasaan? Tak tau la nak rasa apa. Macam2 aku rasa... First, aku agak teruja. Sebab... aku ingat tak dapat dah sekolah baru tu. Rupa-rupanya dapat jugak... so, aku bersyukurlah sebab aku boley amek account n add math, pelajaran yg aku nak sangat amek selama ni. (ye ke?) Second,  aku sedehhh... sebab kena tinggai kawan2 aq. Huhu..~T_T~  Dahla dah 3 tahun lbey aku dok ngan depa. Depa baik, sporting,  pastu dah besa ngan perangai aku... mana aku nak cari yg sama cam depa? Huhuhu.. tataula nanti kat sekolah baru cemna. Miss you all, my dear friends~ (╥_╥) And the last one,  aku rasa takut jugak. H

My New Pages!!!!

 Yo!!! Long time no see, right? How are you? Hope you are fine! =D well, tonight, I just want to promote the new PAGES on my blog!!!! Wooohooooooooooooooooo.... Now, look at the top , and you can see some new pages that I just create. Hehe.. Take a look and check it out!! DON'T FORGET to look at it!!! I beg youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Hoho, just kidding but not kidding. Meh! Okkkk, that's all I wanna say.. Ahh, although it is late, but I want to wish 'HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR' to all of Chinese out there! Kay... that's enough. It's time to take a leave. Buhbye!!! Love you all... MMMuahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Sincerely,