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Showing posts from January, 2016


Yeahhhhhh..... Finally the time that I've been waiting for has arrived. I'm going back to my hostel today.~^O^~ So, I just want to say goodbye to you as I'll be staying there for about two or three weeks. Buhbyeee!!! Haaa... I feel so relieve as finally I can leave... By the way, today is my sister's birthday! Happy Nineteenth Birthday, Minoz!!!!! Hope you live a blast life! K... that's all cause I have to leave now. Babaii!!! See ya later! >o<

Happy 2016 Year!!!!

Ding dong! Tataraaa~ it's already 2016!!! Happy new year, guys!! Woahhh... I can't believe that it's already a new year. Huhu... so, this is my first entry of this year! And I hope that everything is gonna be okay. So, 2016 has come, what's your hope for this year? For me, I just want to be a good girl with less problem. And I really really hope that I can be tougher and braver to fight the storms in my coming life. Haha..⊙▽⊙ Ermmm, okay... I don't know what to say more cause my mind is blank right now. So I hope that everyone will live a happy life this year. K.. bye bye. See ya! Luv u all~♥♡♥♡ #happynewyear #2016 #i'm16andiknowit!