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Showing posts from May, 2015


Hello, guys!!!!!!!! How are you????     And now.....Look at the title!!!!! What is that???? YES.... it's my new story's title!!! Jeng jeng jeng........ It's about a mystery story. Hoho!!     I'm so excited to write it on this blog! So, wait for tomorrow, okay??? I will write it, cause I'm busy this night. See you later, buhbye!!! :-) # miss you so much!! P/S: 1 day for 1 chapter..


Ohoks, ohoks.... emmm, today, I want to talk favourite k-pop boy band, BIGBANG!!!! Yeah, yesterday they had released their new songs- LOSER and BAE BAE.      In my perception, There's some part I like and some part I don't like.The part I really like is.... These songs are divergent from their oldest songs. Its melody and tempo are different and I like that. Actually, to tell the truth, I just like Loser but not Bae Bae.... because I'm the one who like sad songs. Maybe if you hear the songs yourself, you will like both.....or unlike both??? Ummm, I don't know too.. it's up to you whether you like it or not.       But the part I don't really like is... the video of Loser is too outrageous for me. Why? Because my lovely TOP had been contaminated in this video. He... Ergghhh, I really hate this. He goes too far for this video. I feel so sad about this. My innocent baby TOP, end up like this. Being touched by an unknown woman, with the 18+ post