Hello, guys! Today, I wanna share with you, my first own song!!! Woohoo... I don't know whether you like it or not, but i really cherish and appreciate this song.. :) Ketika hujan membasahi bumi Ku teringat akan dirimu Makin lebat hujan yang turun Bagai air mataku yang tak henti-henti Hujan... Hujanlah lebat lagi Supaya aku teringatkan dirimu Ingatkan kisah kita yang dulu Cinta aku Diri kamu Air.. Air mataku turun Oh tak henti henti Mencurah basahi pipi Kerana aku.. tak bisa lupakan dirimu Kerna kamu.. cinta aku Selamanya Huhu. I'm so sad when I sing this song. It was meant to someone but that 'someone' had gone from my life... or more exactly, I had forgot him, for my own goodness. Okeylah..bye-bye! Good night!!
Cause nobody can love you like you do.