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Showing posts from February, 2015


Hello, guys! Today, I wanna share with you, my first own song!!! Woohoo... I don't know whether you like it or not, but i really cherish and appreciate this song.. :) Ketika hujan membasahi bumi Ku teringat akan dirimu Makin lebat hujan yang turun Bagai air mataku yang tak henti-henti Hujan... Hujanlah lebat lagi Supaya aku teringatkan dirimu Ingatkan kisah kita yang dulu Cinta aku Diri kamu Air.. Air mataku turun Oh tak henti henti Mencurah basahi pipi Kerana aku.. tak bisa lupakan dirimu Kerna kamu.. cinta aku Selamanya Huhu. I'm so sad when I sing this song. It was meant to someone but that 'someone' had gone from my life... or more exactly, I had forgot him, for my own goodness. Okeylah..bye-bye! Good night!!

The MysterY of SandaLs

   I'm so curious now. How? I... I can't accept it in my mind.It was all about what happened to my sandals a few days ago.      That day, I was about to leave my hostel. Cause, you know, it was time for us to go home, to see our beloved family. And I had to take the bus. So, immediately, I took all my things and left my sandals on the shoe shelf. The SHOE SHELF, okay! And then I went to the bus stop to take the bus. See you next Sunday! The next Sunday..    Oh My God!!!!! Nooo..... where is my sandals?!! Oh no! It is the only sandals i have. Who took it? Kurang asam!!! Where did my sandals go? That was what I said as soon as I arrived at hostel. That was horrible! What I gonna do? Plus, the sandals is expensive and just had been bought by my mother 2 weeks ago. If she knew this, she surely will change to a dinosaur.    So, I had to wear slippers. SLIPPERS, you know! It was so ashamed, to walk in front of the guys with slippers. Argghh!!...